With demand rising globally, Mega Thermal is motivated to provide more products in the right market.

Thermal paper


With demand rising globally, Mega Thermal is motivated to provide more products in the right market.

Mega Thermal CO., LTD is known as the exclusive heat-sensitivespecialty paper manufacturer in Taiwan. The company has a complete coating production line with the capabilityto convert, print, and customize direct thermal productsto meet client requirements and market demand. All of our thermal products are manufactured in-house to ensure the highest quality while integrating sales channels, marketing, delivery, and after-sale services to reduce costs for our customers. With demand rising globally, Mega Thermal is motivated to provide more products in the right market.

Mega Thermal

TEL:07-619-6066 / FAX:07-619-6196

Mill:No. 43, Sec. E., Wen An Rd., Mituo Dist., Kaohsiung City 827, Taiwan

TEL:07-619-6066 / FAX:07-619-6196


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Thermal paper感熱紙捲,電子發票紙捲,熱感貼紙,感熱紙是在在普通紙上加塗一層黑色的油墨,Thermal paper同時再上一些特別對熱感應的白色材料。機器上的加熱導線會將感熱的白色材料燒掉而形成圖像及文字,感熱紙Thermal paper紙張表面塗上含有色料之塗料,此色料經由加熱產生化學反應而顯色,可使用移動式之熱頭而在加熱之區域顯色。